The Evans Machinery Casing Cylinder features our exclusive trunnion ring and wheel design. Also, the internal pins are fabricated from 416 magnetic stainless steel. Sizes range from 4’ to 8’ in diameter and 16’ to 32’ in length.
Features & Specifications
- A freestanding control panel contains the indicators and control valves for casing liquid flow, pump speed and tank temperature, as well as, atomizing and supplementary steam pressure.
- The casing application system, located in the discharge hood, contains the atomization nozzles for applying casing liquid and steam. A separate steam header in the entry hood allows for additional heating of the tobacco. The casing liquid and tobacco flow rates are synchronized by a variable speed pump.
- The casing liquid storage tank has a capacity of about 50 gallons(200 l) and is constructed of stainless steel.
- Options include furnishing the related external piping and insulating the cylinder drum.